Hey, I'm Frosty 👋

I'm a fullstack developer, mainly working with NodeJS applications. I like to work on discord bot's, using discord.js, or working on sites for myself, my friends or for a project I am working on! I mainly use JavaScript although I have been using PHP recently for a project that has interested me for some time now.

Technologies 💻

I use a variety of tools to enhance my development process and increase the quality of both my code, and my workflow. Below is a list of languages and tools I've had experience with in the past, or use currently.

  • Projects 🛠️

    In my free time, I enjoy creating open source projects on GitHub, so I can learn from others and showcase what I know. In total, all of my open sourced projects have earnt me 0 stars on GitHub, and 0 forks. Below are some of my repositories.